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EN 13034 - Protection against liquid chemicals

Use the garment in combination with other garments providing protection as defined in EN 13034. Chemical protective suit (Type 6) shall cover and protect at least the trunk and the limbs, e.g. one-piece coveralls or two piece suits, with or without hood, boot-socks or boot-covers. Chemical protective suit (Type 6) forms the lowest level of chemical protection and is intended to be used if risks have been assessed as low and a full liquid permeation barrier is not necessary, i.e. when wearers are able to take timely adequate action when their clothing is contaminated. Low risks could be e.g. a potential exposure to small quantities of spray or accidental low volume splashes.

Note that prolonged wearing of chemical protective suits may cause heat stress!

All chemical protective clothing materials are tested and classified in accordance with Table 1. The construction of seams shall prevent penetration of liquid through stitch holes or through other components of a seam and not obstruct run-off of the liquid.

Table 1: Performance requirements (EN 14325:2004)

Tests Test method Performance requirements
Abrasion resistance EN 530-2 Class 1: > 10 cycles
Trapezoidal tear resistance ISO 9073-4 Class 1: > 10 N
Tensile strength ISO 13934-1 Class 1: > 30 N
Puncture resistance EN 863 Class 1: > 5 N
Repellency to liquids* EN 368 Class 3: > 95%
Resistance to penetration by liquids* EN 368 Class 3: > 95%

* See Table 2: List of reference chemicals for penetration and repellency testing